About smartnumbers


Solid training and many years of experience in internationally operating companies are our capital, which we bring to you. Leading positions in controlling and IT project management have sharpened the sense for the essentials. Through our network of partners we have access to know-how and expertise for your challenge.


Every company has its own challenges. The transformation required as a result is a complex matter and, accordingly, common “best practice” or “scheme F” approaches are only a suitable solution to a limited extent.


Visualization of the data in the dashboard done, and then? We do not let you alone. Count on us as a strategic companion and sparring partner. We accompany the monitoring, controlling and the interpretation of your data. We discuss the progress at regular intervals and analyze the current situation together with you using your customized reports.


The right decisions at the right time determine the success of your company. In joint workshops with you, we clarify the following questions:
What information is relevant to you?
How can they be quickly analyzed and meaningfully interpreted?
How do I get evaluations at the push of a button?
How can high data quality be ensured?
How can you use the information obtained in your company?

Recent blog posts

    by W. Läpple 30 March 2022
    Die Zukunft der Wirtschaft ist gekennzeichnet durch neue Technologien, wandelnde Kundenbedürfnisse, eine neue Arbeitswelt und sich schnell wandelnde Wertschöpfungsketten. Ist Ihr Unternehmen für diese Herausforderungen gerüstet?
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